Expanded States
What are expanded states sessions?
The expanded states sessions listed here are intended to give a more visual kaleidoscopic experience. Which has the effect of enhancing dissociation and results in deep immersive states of consciousness. They tend to be a more visually impactful experience and create what is called non-ordinary states, or altered states of consciousness in a non-pharmacological way.
Any included rating of session strength is an average only and will differ from one person to the next (and even one day to the next in some cases). What one person finds mild, you may find intense or vice versa. Some days you will be in a different neurological state and a session that was intense last time you used it may not be as intense today. The opposite is true also. Sometimes what is a milder intensity session will feel strong because of the state your body and mind are in.
If you haven’t used the ‘#welcome to roXiva’ session yet, please do so before diving into these sessions.
Start at a lower light intensity (30-36% or even lower if you need to) and work up at your own speed. Higher intensities will give more effects and more colour. But if you go too high, the effect will be a washout. Typically most people end up at about 50-70% at the highest.
What happens during an expanded states session?
Very deep altered and expanded states of consciousness are possible with these type of sessions. And can be a fast path to flow states, creativity, trance, and spontaneous visions & connections with higher versions of yourself. These journeys often have significant meaning to individuals. They can be simply a unique form of entertainment., or they can be used to break free of habitual thinking in a way that leaves you refreshed and elevated in mood. And they are a great way to explore different levels of consciousness. Sometimes unexpected things happen that afterwards become opportunities for significant changes in your life. Remember what I said on the sessions home page about the ‘snow globe effect’.
Typically the journey starts with beautiful moving patterns of fractals, mandala’s and colours. And as you relax into the journey you become the light rather than just experiencing it. And this leads to pleasant hallucination effects and sensations like flying, going through portals, visions of far off lands, people from the past, and even sometimes beings not before seen. Like a dream experienced while you are awake.
Many pleasant and surprising things can happen. It’s even possible that pain can suddenly dissapear with these sessions. And I’ve even had one client contact me after her 82 year old mother went on a session. After the session she opened her eyes and joyfully exclaimed “I’m not afraid of dying anymore., I’ve been to the other side”
How to use these sessions
There are many ways to use this style of session. Some people use them just as a fun escape from the outside world while enjoying some upbeat music and awe inspiring visuals. Or as preparation for another mode of therapy or experience. And you can combine these sessions with other practices like breathwork where the combination of the two becomes more than the sum of it’s parts.
You may choose to go into these sessions with an intention in mind. Maybe a problem or desire for creative inspiration. This works because the mind lets go of the outside world in a form of disasociation. Allowing you to temporarily disconnect from your thoughts, feelings, memories, and sense of identity. And in this state, the mind becomes very creative and spontaneous. Like a supercharged version of the common expression ‘Let’s sleep on it’ when considering a problem or a lack of creativity.
Sometimes the best way to approach these sessions is to go into them with no expectation at all. Just go with the experience and see what happens. This works in a similar way to above, but allows the mind to present to you what you most need to see, hear, and feel. I believe that the body and mind are self generating and healing systems as long as you provide the right environment. And sometimes when you simply let go, the answer to your next step in life becomes obvious. As I’ve said before., ‘Altered states lead to altered traits’.
Another way to use these sessions is as a gateway to other experiences. For example you could do a session before another practice like astral travel to elevate your results. And often you can get very fast relief from anxiety caused by overthinking by using a session that ‘jolts’ you our of the pattern of thinking you’re in.
Cyberdelic visual journeys
Cyberdelics is the fusion of cybernetic technology with psychedelic experiences. In this case a non-pharmacological way to have an experience that has similarities to a psychedelic experience. These sessions are not a replacement or substitute for psychedelics or a path to ingesting them. In many ways they are far better. With roXiva you have precise control of when the experience starts & stops., and it’s length & intensity. And when the experience stops, you are ready to continue with your day. Some of these sessions are stronger than others and many report them as being very similar to an actual psychedelic experience. Others are more subtle and slow moving. Although this is subjective and varies from person to person.
Examples of stronger more psychedelic sessions include: Talamasca Trip, Jammin, Roxiva K, Proggy Rocky, Creativity inspired K, Return of the squirrel, Suspended moments, and Solar Tsunami. Although there are others that are very close or equal to those also. Examples of milder sessions include: Halo – 33, Strings, Roxi 1 and 2, Northern lights, Calm before the storm and Ocean Angels. Although remember this is subjective and may still be strong for you.
You can learn about how the visual side of these sessions work in the article ‘Drug free psychedelics’ here. And some of the theory and ideas around Psychedelic light therapy here and the related topic of Psychedleic brainwave entrainment and DMT here.
Consciousness exploration
One of the greatest benefits of roXiva sessions are the profound altered states of consciousness achieved quickly and easily. And one of the biggest questions ever asked by humanity is “what is consciousness?” So it’s no surprise that people want to engage in consciousness exploration and focus in on what it means to be physical and non-physical at the same time. Allowing the mind to disengage from the outside world and roam freely through thoughts and feelings during a session can lead to incredibly impactful and emotional journeys. The result of which is often new perspectives and a type of mental reset opportunity. Sessions with this goal in mind tend to be a little longer to allow for full immersion., but even short sessions can take you places that leave you in awe at the potential of the mind.
Examples of sessions for consciousness exploration include: Underworld, Stellar Gateway, Roxiva K (strong), DNA Sonification, Khufu – Egyptian Pharaoh, and less visual sessions in other categories like ‘There and back’ and’ The spirit of light’.
You can learn about becoming more conscious here.
Spiritual development/evolution
Spiritual journey sessions are sometimes hard to destinguish from other visually impactful sessions but tend to be more expansive and focused on feeding the soul and expanding the mind. They share a lot in common with the conscious exploration sessions and often have elements of Cyberdelic effects too.
One of the spiritual benefits of roXiva sessions is allowing the conscious mind to get out of the way. And by accessing altered states more often and more consistently a bridge is built between your conscious and un-conscioud mind. In essence you get the opportunity to access and release trauma, reprogram your beliefs, and make friends with the inner parts of yourself. We all have ‘younger’ parts of our experience that still impact us as adults. And sometimes all we need to do is acknowledge those parts for healing and new habit formation to take place. Or to face the darker sides of our personality.
Examples of sessions useful for spiritual evolution are: DNA Sonification, Underworld, Ocean angels, Shamanic Journey, Rebirth and also sessions in other categories like the ‘I love you, I’m sorry’ session to help you forgive people.
Learn about spiritual awakenings and NDE’s here. A fascinating subject.
List of expanded states sessions available today